Global Give-A-Book
2020 Year-end Review
Passionately providing unique tools that promote youth literacy one book at a time.
Goals Achieved:
Awarded 501(c)(3) nonprofit status
After many years of privately funded book giveaways GGAB achieved nonprofit status.
Welcomed Linda Vega and Ashlee Wolfe to the GGAB Board of Directors.
GGAB App Development
This app will provide sight words and read-along stories plus other fun activities for children.
Launched GGAB Monthly Newsletter
Monthly themes and exciting programs introduced.
Launched GGAB Podcast
Allowing us to highlight points of interest from monthly newsletters.
Implemented Social Media Marketing Plan
Reaching thousands of interested people through a combination of social media platforms.
Programs Implemented:
Books with Food
GGAB partnered with local food pantries by donating 100+ new and wrapped books to be put into food boxes distributed to local families.
The Adventures of Twirling Girl
Through corporate sponsorships and in conjunction with Christi Le Fevre, GGAB donated 300+ of copies of “The Adventures of Twirling Girl'' to local school girls. The success of this project proves that when a community comes together, great things happen.
Hometown Heroes
In an effort to spread love and support for our hometown heroes, GGAB partnered with Triple-Braided Cord, in giving away 50+ copies of “Drafted” to police officers, firefighters, and military personnel.
Reading with Shepherd Daisy
This program fosters the love of reading through pets encouraging children to read 15 minutes to their pets or stuffed animals.
Established partnership with PetClub 247!
Partnered with Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce
This extraordinary partnership will help us take New Mexico reading to the next level.
Philanthropic Giving:
Shriners Children’s Hospitals, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Special Olympics, and Little Free Library.
If our mission speaks to your heart please consider making a donation. Every contribution, large or small, puts a book in the hands of a child!
Click the photo to donate today!
Thank you! Happy Reading!